Sunday 2 December 2012

Mortal & Pestle

Mortal & pestle have been used since years ago. Mortal is a bowl shape object and pestle is a club shaped one.

Now, i'm going to mention 3 ideas on how mortal and pestle can be used for different use. Just as a test over how far my imagination can go. topics chosen for this exercise are :  " noise", "diet" and "hair".   

As I have tried to show in my sketch, mortal & pestle can be used in courts. the judge can mentioned end of the sessions by creating noise with them instead of using hammer.

" Diet"
It can be an idea to use two mortals in one scale and several pestles for different weight units. So in order to buy some vegetables, the using units can be weights of pestles!

Mortal & pestle also can be used as roller setters for having curly hair! It is possible to fill the mortal by hot water and put several pestles inside. When pestles get warm, they can be used to curl hair.

- All sketch have been drawn manually and imported to the computer -

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