Sunday 20 January 2013

Assignment 2

My participation (what I did during the process)

In this assignment we are supposed to create a design work based on Multimedia theme. This work must be a work of art produced by creativity. In this process we spend time over finding information about “Multimedia” topic and what is considered as multimedia. Integrated presentation and combination of animation, text, video, sound and etc. through different kinds of media are considered as multimedia. These media forms can be as wide as broadcast media, advertisement media, and works of art, printed media, digital media and primitive media.
We gathered information and ideas together and based on our mind maps we have chosen works of art and in specific we decided to work on “music”.

 In this case I did study on music and created  mind maps on music topic.

Music is considered as an art form presented by use of sound. Each culture has its own understanding and style of music. There are different kinds of music genres and sub-genres with different compositions.
To many people music is one of the most important elements in their life. Some people participate in music creation which needs its specific knowledge and some listen and enjoy. Most of people rely on music because it affects their emotions. Music can help in pain therapy also which means it connects the brain and sensation to each other. So, emotions are the way in which human will be affected by music. So we decided to work on emotions, feelings and impacts of music on them and how each music type generates different type of feelings in human.

Music is like what feelings sounds like

In this case, I provided an idea based on which music is like magic spells.

Each Spell is different and has different effects. Music is like magic spells; it will stay in minds and will be remembered later. Musicians are like magicians. They create different magic. People enjoy magic and even sometimes sad, fantasy and misery.
Each spell is unique in magicians just like different peace of music.

Therefore, we decided to show the feeling that music gives to people with different genres. In this case, we decided to work on feelings or emotions such as love (romance), relaxation, nostalgia, happiness and scare.
Below are the sketches of these feelings. For each feeling or emotion I provided a mind map and tried to find a simile or metaphor to show that feeling.

Happiness is a rainbow. It is colourful and beautiful but it does not last for ever.

Happiness is a rainbow. It is colourful and beautiful but it does not last for ever.
(Nostalgia mind map)

Nostalgia is like lightening. it happens suddenly without any lights up the scene in few seconds like remembering something in a second.


(Scary mind map)

Scare is like being bitten by a black snake in darkness. It shocks you. You want to shout but too much freezed to do so.


(Relaxation mind map)

Relaxation is like surfing the sky in a ballon. As you go further you enjoy more. It is dreamy and fun as well. You feel weightless and just feeling the environment.



So finally we decided to work on romance, relaxation, and nostalgia and scary.
In this case I provided some storyboards to show the scenes.

Explanation: each time from the magic hat different kind of spells will come out and it has different effects. These spells are considered to be music notes (different genres and sounds). It is by hearing that we understand the music and then it will directly effect our emotions. For example "love songs" will create romantic feelings. In this case I tried to show the similes I provided before. This means for romance or love feeling I applied the simile of a growing flower. In relaxation I also applied the simile of surfing the sky in a ballon and for nostalgia it shows how suddenly by hearing a peace of music a person might remember his/her past just like a lightening in the sky that brights up the scene for few seconds. Since 90% of us in the group are Iranians, that is why we have decided on Iranian traditional music for nostalgia.

These were my duties towards this project.
All images have been sketched and uploaded. 

This is our final output :

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